I have started/finished/half-written/outlined three novels and a half dozen 'short' stories. (I say 'short' because, in reality, I have a hard time being brief and my short stories soon become more like novellas.) Inevitably, at some point, I become dissatisfied with my writing. Not to be confused with discouraged. I have those moments too, when it seems like I will never be able to finish. No, dissatisfaction is a beast of an entirely different breed.
How is it that I become disenchanted with my own writing? It is completely frustrating. This gap between what I want to write and what I'm actually writing. I want to write something of value and out comes fluff. It's not what's in my head. Somewhere between my brain and the clicks of my fingers on the keyboard, things are getting lost. How do I find them?
And then I get a headache.
It's all very non-productive. So what do you think? Do you think we can truly write whatever we want? Or is there in each of us a certain type of creative creature that is only happy and satisfied when writing its truth?
Is it possible that with each re-write and revision I am adding bricks to my bridge? |